Nature shot

Grove Yoga School

In consideration of the current world health crisis Grove Yoga School in-person programming has been temporary cancelled. We are investigating online options and will have details available soon.

We have elected to remain positive and optmistic that life will return to normal soon. In the meantime, we are modifying programming options and schedules as noted below.

Stay safe; stay healthy.


Gaylene & Stacey

We are currently working on getting some online resources up and going for everyone. Click and follow our You Tube Channel.

Join Stacey for a Chair Yoga Class

Traditional Yoga

After careful thought we have decided to keep our April 2020 95hr Children's Yoga and Mindfulness Training and September 2020 200hr Hatha Yoga Teacher Training open for registration.

*In the event schools do not re-open we have an alternate plan to provide training. Please contact us for details.

Our Program starts Tuesday September 15th, 2020 running through to mid-January 2021. With limited spots available, we encourage early enrollment. Registration closes August 20th, 2020 or earlier if enrollment is full. In the event the course must be cancelled, students will receive a 100% refund.

Please note that this program is based on the current Yoga Alliance Standards with students required to participate in 180+ classroom hours plus 20+ hours dedicated to personal skills development, practice and projects. The new standards increase the classroom hours to 200+ and GYS will be up-levelling in 2021.

To register or so that we may answer your questions about the Children's, 200 or 300 programming, please send us an email.

300hr Modified & Inclusive Teacher Training Details coming soon.

Fitness Yoga

Our Yoga Fitness Leader 35-hr training course provides a general knowledge of basic yoga poses, teaching techniques and how to sequence basic classes. This BCRPA and CFES approved module has prerequisites including Fitness Theory and First Aid. We offer this program on a request basis; we have a list of those wanting this class, waiting for others to join. Let us know if you're interested! We offer this program during the weekdays and school hours only.

In additional to custom dates, our goal is to offer this program in July 2020. Click here for more details.

Reach us on social media